A gift of what really matters: Self-Sustainability

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Christmas is the season of joy, gifts and happiness. Christmas gives us the opportunity to take a break and reflect on the important things around us. Christmas is the tenderness of the past, the courage of the present and the hope for the future, says Agnes M. Pahro. 

Many Christians struggle. They often mix donation and self- sustainability. Helping people for far too long often time produce unintended consequences. The best gift is to help your neighbors, church members, co-workers on how they can help people in the developing world without harming them in the future. 

Gifting someone with my new book “From Trade to Self-Sustainability” will help them connect those dots with step by step principles of how poverty can be overcome with wealth creation. Helping can be done without hurting. You just have to know how. This books holds the answer. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family. May the Lord enrich you with vision, knowledge and resources to truly help brothers and sisters achieve self- sustainability in Haiti and around the world. 

To gift the book, click on the following link: www.djlhaiti.com/mybooks