Daniel Jean- Louis intervient sur Le Point de Radio et Tele Metropole pour expliquer la creation d’emplois en Haiti and l’implication de l’engagement From Aid to Trade pour supporter cet objectif.
Daniel Jean- Louis answers the questions of Wendell Theodore from Radio/ Tele Metropole regarding the Honorary Doctorate Degree he received from Liberty University with sitting US President in attendance.
11 years after graduation, Liberty University confers an an honorary doctorate degree to native of Haiti, Daniel Jean- Louis with sitting US president in attendance. Jean- Louis is working in Haiti to implement business initiative as a way to end poverty in Haiti and around the world. He is the initiator of the 100kjobs in Haiti, the CEO of Bridge Capital and the author of From Aid to Trade.
Social entrepreneur Daniel Jean-Louis draws on lessons from Haiti and the impact of foreign aid on developing countries. He analyzes how entrepreneurship and private investment work as wealth creators, and explores how transitioning from models of aid to ones of trade, interest the collaboration of businesses, governments and aid organizations themselves. Social entrepreneur and author from Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Co-founder of Bridge Capital, the first investment fund for small and medium businesses in Haiti.
“From Aid to Trade’ keynote speech delivered with standing ovation at the State of the Health Congress organized by the organization ‘ Ansanm pou Ayiti’ on May 11th 2018”
I invite you to watch my ‘ From Aid to Trade’ keynote speech delivered with standing ovation at the State of the Health Congress organized by the organization ‘ Ansanm pou Ayiti’ on May 11th 2018 at the Karibe Convention Center in Port au Prince, Haiti. During this remark I drew a clear link between the urgent need for Health Care and economic activities. More jobs means more people have means to pay for health contributions which in turn triggers a virtuous cycle of better care within the population. Production: Lynk Communications / Abed Jean- Louis
11 years after graduation, Liberty University confers an an honorary doctorate degree to native of Haiti, Daniel Jean- Louis with sitting US president in attendance. Jean- Louis is working in Haiti to implement business initiative as a way to end poverty in Haiti and around the world. He is the initiator of the 100kjobs in Haiti, the CEO of Bridge Capital and the author of From Aid to Trade.
From Aid to Trade lecture at Tulane University regarding the role of businesses and private investment in sustainable economic development vs Aid. Have fun watching. Please share with others. www.fromaidtotrade.org
The presentation focuses on the role of business as central to economic development. Businesses pursue opportunities which provides value added to the economy. The Aid community and the government need to support businesses to help them grow so they lift more people out of poverty by providing them with dignified jobs. That’s the power of hope! – www.fromaidtotrade.org