From Aid to Trade: Lessons Learned from Haiti

January 12, 2010, Haiti collapsed under a deadly earthquake 200,000 people lost their lives on top of that between 8 to 12 billion dollars where lost in cumulative GDP, when the international community saw that, they came to the ‘rescue’ of Haiti. Between the multilateral organizations, the bilateral organizations, and foreign governments, a total of 12 […]

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Changing the Aid Narrative: It’s time to act

Changing the Aid Narrative, One of the most influential writers of our time, Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad said: Poor people will remain poor because they’re not trained to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities. I rolled these words over in my head, and after some time, I concluded that Kiyosaki was right. There’s a […]

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Killing Entrepreneurship in Haiti

Haiti as a nation has been troubled with natural disasters all of its History but has been exacerbated by earthquake and hurricanes in the past few years which has led to an accelerated rate in the loss of lives and properties.  The impact of these unfortunate events has been daunting on the economics of the […]

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Economic Opportunities and Health Care in Haiti

Health Care in Haiti The health care industry in Haiti presents a great opportunity for job creation and economicdevelopment. The health care industry can engage different professionals or trade and craftswithin the country. From the architect who draws the hospital building plans to the structuralengineers that develop them. In the above process, the electricians, plumbers, […]

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How Haiti can be More Open for Business: Building a More Attractive Business Climate

Around the world, the biggest responsibility in government officials and policymakers’ jobs is to spur economic growth, create jobs, and increase the economic and social welfare of the society in which they govern or exist overall. A country’s ability to attract and keep foreign direct investment has a tremendous impact on jobs, economic growth, and […]

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